Housekeeping vs The Dirt by Nick Hornby
3.5 stars
Book description: In this latest collection of essays following The Polysyllabic Spree, critic and author Nick Hornby continues the feverish survey of his swollen bookshelves, offering a funny, intelligent, and unblinkered account of the stuff he's been reading. Ranging from the middlebrow to the highbrow (with unrepenting dips into the lowbrow), Hornby's dispatches from his nightstand table serve as useful guides to contemporary letters, with revelations on contemporary culture, the intellectual scene, and English football, in equal measure.
For shame, I'm still catching up with the reviews from Weekly Geeks #12!
Michelle asked: Have you read other books by Nick Hornby? If so, how did Housekeeping vs The Dirt compare to the others? If not, did Housekeeping vs The Dirt make you want to read another one? Why/why not?
I have read other Hornby books and enjoyed them. I think About a Boy is my favourite.
And in fact, last year I read The Polysyllabic Spree (my review is here) and I liked it so much I asked for this one for Christmas. But for some reason the second volume didn't resonate with me as much. I don't know if it was the books he was reading or that I didn't find the whole idea of the column as fresh as the first time or what. Don't get me wrong, it was still enjoyable and since I have my own copy, I'll probably re-read it some day and perhaps I'll get a bigger bang out of it the second time.
I still think Nick Hornby's a great author and I hope to read his YA novel Slam soon. And I maintain my belief that he'd be a cool guy to have over for dinner. :-)
Unfortunately, I haven't had a chance to read any Hornby. I read through an article or two from Polysyllabic Spree last time I was in a bookstore and enjoyed it, but had no money so had to put the book back on the shelf. I love the way he writes about reading and am incredibly envious of it. It's good to hear of someone else who's seen the book, read it, and enjoyed. I'll make sure next time I'm at the bookstore with money to pick it up.
Hi Kelsey - Remember, there's always your friendly neighbourhood library! :) But I know what you mean about being envious of his writing-about-reading style - I am, too!
Housekeeping involves general cleaning and maintenance tasks, while The Dirt specializes in mattress hydro cleaning.
Regards: matress hydro cleaning
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