Saturday, January 5, 2008


My reading resolution this year is to do a better job of rating books, so I can remember which ones really were my top favourites by the end of the year. I once tried to make one on an "edible" scale with Fudge being the best and Mud being the worst. But I couldn't really get into that one. So I'm going to actually assign meanings to the 5-star system, based solely on my enjoyment of the book, since sometimes I rather enjoy books that aren't terribly literary. :)

So, more for my benefit than anyone else's:

5 stars - loooooved it
4 stars - really liked it
3 stars - enjoyed it
2 stars - it was okay, I guess
1 star - didn't like it
0 stars - loathed it (probably won't have many, will just stop reading)


raidergirl3 said...

completely unrelated question: although the raitngs look good, How do you get a sidebar element to have a picture and a list? Are you hmtl-ing with the picture from another source? I want mine to be like this, but I can do either a picture, or a list, but not both together.

tinylittlelibrarian said...

Yup, I html it. In the Add a Page Element area, I choose Text and then you can switch from Rich Text to Edit Html and add an img src= tag for an Amazon (or whatever) picture.

Julie said...

Do you ever do 1/4, 1/2, or 3/4 ratings? Your systems is similar to mine and I was just curious.


tinylittlelibrarian said...

I don't think I've ever done a 1/4 or 3/4, but I have done halves. Maybe I need to start quartering, too. :)

Julie said...

I've always done it that way. It's the way my aunt rated her books and I've always done it that way. She actually will even rate something a 4.8 but I've steered away from that since doing reviews on a blog. Too hard to describe a difference between a 4.75, 4.8 and a 5. ;)


tinylittlelibrarian said...

That's cool - a family history of rating! 4.8 is pretty funny. But I can understand, sometimes you just can't quite manage a 5.